music.webp - Chord by Hellenic Solution | Συγχορδία

The CHORD (Chord.gr) is a music publishing company focusing on promotion and distribution of musical works at Greek and global level. The company offers a range of services that help artists expose their music in a wider audience, promoting it on various platforms such as Spotify, Amazon, iTunes, Napster and other online music stores, as well as on the music e-shop of CHORD itself (mp3shop.gr).

Dear Partners, Friends,

In addition to distribution, the CHORD also offers exclusive benefits to artists who work with the platform, such as free services to improve and promote their music. This includes rebroadcasting their music on the company's network radio stations, selling their music online and offline, and the ability to provide their music to creative users for the creation of documentaries, TV series, theatrical productions, YouTube videos and elsewhere.

The CHORD seeks to promote young creators from the South Aegean through press releases, promotional advertising messages and proposals to radio producers and music industry experts. In addition, the company supports the principle of creative use, enabling artists to retain their rights and manage them in the way they wish.

Artists located in the geographical area of the South Aegean may face various disadvantages, including:

    • Limited opportunities for live performances: Our islands don't have as many venues for live performances as larger cities or areas with a more active music scene.
    • Access to resources and training: Access to training programmes, workshops, and other resources that can help develop their skills is limited.
    • Difficulty in networking: The ability to network with other artists, producers, managers and music industry professionals is clearly limited due to the geographical distance.
    • Difficulty in viewing: Promoting their work to a wider audience is more difficult due to geographical distance and limited access to media.
    • Limited opportunities for professional development: Distance and lack of resources make it difficult for them to develop and expand their careers in the music industry.

However, with the increasing influence of digital technology and music distribution platforms, these obstacles can be overcome to some extent. In addition, the artists retain the advantage of unique cultural influence and inspiration from the natural environment.

A music publishing company like CHORD can offer multiple advantages to the artists of the South Aegean. Let's look at some ways:

    • Web Promotion: The CHORD can promote the music of artists to a wider audience that transcends geographical boundaries. This is particularly important for South Aegean artists, who may be limited to local performances due to their remote location.
    • Community building: The CHORD can help create a community of musicians and fans who can interact, exchange ideas and work together.
    • Opportunities for Partnerships: The CHORD can offer opportunities for collaborations with other artists, producers and music industry professionals.
    • Education and Information: The CHORD can provide information and educational material to develop artists' skills and understanding of the music industry.
    • Copyright Management: The CHORD can help artists manage their copyright, ensuring that they get the right royalties for the use of their music.

Overall, the CHORD can be a a powerful tool for the artists of the South Aegean, helping them to develop their careers and communicate with a wider audience.

Yours sincerely,

The Governing Committee