Εκδοτική πλατφόρμα μουσικής Chord

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Our music on the radio CafeRadio.gr



Travelling Drums by Gerhard

Cartoon Gorilla by Annie

Wide Hog by Application

Bob Bob by Passion

Travelling Drums by Vanna

Fivedust by Winter Voyage

Voodoo February by Demetrius

Wonderland Echoes by Skipton

Velvet Bunny by American Hunter

Vlad's Savior by Kellsie

Fat Plague by Leia

Wide Summer by Melursus

Summer Peaches by Minda

Fivedust by Winter Voyage

Grateful Monkeys by Laverna

Smooth May by Drink

The Blue Moon Cupcakes by Giant

Carbon Fakes by Sophisticated

Holy Angel by Bangker

Broken Sleep by Lexington

Headache Horrors by Alessandra

Wonderland Echoes by Rivy

Fey Betrayal by Elianora

Young Surfers by Zachary

musicdistro.webp - Chord by Hellenic Solution | Συγχορδία

Digital DISTRIBUTION of your music worldwide

We distribute the musical works entrusted to us by the beneficiaries within a short time at Spotify, Amazon, itunes, Napster and hundreds of online music stores  around the world.

Exclusive BENEFITS

Your cooperation with us will bring you, apart from money, a series of unique free services for the improvement of your music and its promotion beyond the national limits.

winner.webp - Chord by Hellenic Solution | Συγχορδία
radiostation.webp - Chord by Hellenic Solution | Συγχορδία


We play your music instantly on the radio stations in our network! Make your work known to music listeners around the world.

SELL your music

You can sell your music to your fans online through our online store, and also offline with an innovative solution that we propose for concerts and live performances.

musicstore.webp - Chord by Hellenic Solution | Συγχορδία
cinema.webp - Chord by Hellenic Solution | Συγχορδία

Licences for CREATIVE USE

You make your music directly available to creative users who are responsible for the creation of Documentaries, TV Series, Theatre Productions, YouTube Videos, etc.

Your rights remain YOURS!

The collaboration of the artists with CHORD may be non-exclusive. You keep your copyrights, which you manage in the way you wish!

success.webp - Chord by Hellenic Solution | Συγχορδία
business.webp - Chord by Hellenic Solution | Συγχορδία

PROMOTION of new creators

We promote your music through press releases, newsletters, promotional advertising messages (audio and video) and proposals to radio producers and music industry experts.



Bloodthirsty Love by Gozdnica

Tsunami Disco by Arabele

Red Angel by Mabay

Dollar Store Fire by Moments

Texas Thunder by Japanese

ElRinio by Migration

Leprechaun Kin by Aloise

Head Spin Jets by Alikee

Short description of the project

This project aims to promote the musical heritage of the South Aegean through the creation of a music publishing platform. With a goal to protecting the rich musical heritage and supporting local artists, the project aims at a series of actions, which include the development, production and distribution of musical works.

The importance of the project is twofold: on the one hand it contributes to the preservation of the cultural identity of the region through music and on the other hand it creates opportunities for young artists to express their talent. This is achieved by supporting high quality productions, promoting the artists to a wider audience and encouraging the link between the music industry and cultural heritage.

Ένα σημαντικό σημείο του εγχειρήματος αποτελεί η χρηματοδότηση και υποστήριξη που παρέχεται από την Ευρωπαϊκή Ένωση, ιδιαίτερα μέσω του Ευρωπαϊκού Κοινωνικού Ταμείου. Η εν λόγω χρηματοδότηση εντάσσεται στα πλαίσια του Επιχειρησιακού Προγράμματος «Νότιο Αιγαίο 2014 – 2020».

The project also aims to enhance the socio-economic development of the region by providing employment and entrepreneurship opportunities in the music production sector. In addition to the direct impact on artists and those involved in the music industry, the project is expected to have a positive impact on the local community by promoting cultural exchange and the preservation of cultural heritage. The integration of new technologies in the production and distribution of music is expected to open up new perspectives for the protection and promotion of musical creation.

The financial assistance and support from the European Union and the European Social Fund is crucial for the implementation and success of the project, confirming the belief in the value of cultural and social development and the European Union's commitment to promoting cultural diversity and supporting innovation and sustainable development.

Αυτό το site έχει επιδοτηθεί από το Ευρωπαϊκό Κοινωνικό Ταμείο